
Project Overview

Non-Revenue Water Reduction Projects

Developing an implementable action plan for capacity building of Executing Agencies for ensuring sustainability of water services

The assignment is for undertaking survey of Executive Agencies and preparing an implementable action plan for capacity building for ensuring sustainability of investments made by JICA.

  • General information of EAs in water and sewerage sector and Institutional roles, structure and responsibilities of EAs;
  • Policies, Acts and regulations at the state or municipality level applicable to the EA;
  • Institutional management (i.e. autonomy in decision–making, vision and business plan) of the EA;
  • Information management, including user information, GIS, MIS, and SCADA;
  • Financial management (i.e., accounting and budgeting, financial positions, revenue against requirement); Asset management (inventory);
  • O&M and NRW reduction management (i.e., plan, leakage detection, immediate repairing system);
  • Institutional improvement/ capacity development activities; User–oriented service (i.e., user education, public awareness campaign for tariff revision and illegal connections, user charters, user satisfaction survey, immediate repairing of leakage and complaint handling);
  • Water quality monitoring and management and promoting water reuse
  • Social Development Activities (i.e., community participation, public awareness, shifting of bulk meter to individual connections and service to slum dwellers);
Location & Country: Delhi and 12 other States in India where JICA is funding water and wastewater infrastructure projects
Name of Client: Japanese International Cooperation Agency through Price Waterhouse Coopers Private Limited
Duration of Assignment (months): 12
Start Date (month/year): November 2013
Completion Date (month/year): February 2015
Professional Staff Months Provided: 10
Names and designation of professional staff involved: Anand K Jalakam, Team Leader